Mike Nesbit


It began as a slice, a deconstruction, a surgical demolition as a means to recognize value within the building, and also as a means to open the building to its surrounding landscape.

The idea of letting the landscape in became even more apparent once the cuts were made and the light and shadows entered the space. At 12:38pm, on October 16, 2020, the light and shadows were in line with the cuts, as if the things that have no physical materiality (the light and shadows) did the cutting and produced the void. There is a special moment between absence and presence, void and solid, dark and light. The light and shadows coax the viewer in, the sky and surrounding context draw the viewer out.
Mike Nesbit, 2020
Los Angeles, CA

More at:
www.mikenesbit.com ↗︎


Mike Nesbit

12:38 the moment when
light and shadow
become physical

12:38 the moment
when absence is present

12:38 the moment
when the void is cut

12:38 a waiting,
a stillness, patience
endures and delayed
gratification enters the
light cut by the shadow

12:38 a moment of
recognition, a presence
of value on an
object discarded

12:38 a moment for
individual presence

12:38 a time out
of context

12:38 a moment that
is the context

12:38 take your time
question the
sky, allow the
landscape to enter

12:38 a moment to
sit within the
absence and yet
be fully present

12:38 a moment to itself
that will disappear

12:38 a time that will
continue through

Mike Nesbit

Behind the process